Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains
To order Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains online from Infinity Publishing click here or call 877-BUYBOOK (877-289-2665). Also available on Amazon.

Every summer, I spent a month with my beloved grandparents in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. While visiting Mabry Mill’s rotating waterwheel, I imagined Lizzie Mabry grinding white corn for customers in 1908. Inspired, I wrote stories about Appalachian mountaineers and my family, such as my great-great grandmother’s incarceration in a corn crib by Civil War soldiers, my grandparent’s 1917 elopement in a horse drawn carriage during a treacherous mountain ice storm, and my father’s jail house shenanigans at the Floyd County Courthouse. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains tells captivating and intriguing stories of Virginia history, culture, traditions, and everyday living common to all mountain families.
Endorsements for Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains
Camelia McNeil Elliott shares my love of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Her book is a warm and comfortable written and pictorial account of the area’s historic places and way of life.
P Buckley Moss, “The People’s Artist”
Camelia Elliott’s book Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains is a rare treasure. She effortlessly transports the reader back in time, and her stories accurately depict both the difficulties and the joys of life in the Appalachian Mountains. Camelia obviously cherishes her mountain heritage as I do. Readers will fall in love with Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains
Rita Forrester, Executive Director, Carter Family Memorial Music Center
Granddaughter of A.P. and Sara Carter, great niece of Mother Maybelle Carter [The Original Carter Family]
Take a peaceful stroll down memory lane, cross the old covered bridge, smell the new mown hay, and check the corn in the slatted crib. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains will take you to a kinder, gentler time.
Don Taylor, Author of Up Against the Wal-Marts
Sue Taylor, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President/Director Enterprise Application Services UT Dallas
Camelia McNeil Elliott takes her breath-taking quilts of country buildings, marries them with photographs, and blesses them with chapters of written history about her beloved Blue Ridge Mountains and the people who call it home. Anyone with an interest in history, Virginia, the mountains, or just home-spun stories should take a gander at this work. The experience leaves you mentally wrapped up in one of Camelia’s homemade quilts in a warm living room munching on a hoecake and sipping on cider.
C. Hope Clark, C. Hope Clark, Editor and founder of, Author of The Shy Writer: The Introvert’s Guide to Writing Success
Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains:
Pictorial Expression on Fabric of Historic Appalachian Sites

The Quilt That Grew Into A Book
Before moving to Virginia from Texas, my friend, Gena, wanted to visit all of the wonderful historic places in Virginia that I told her about. On our road trip across the state, I took photos, drew pencil sketches and was inspired to design a quilt. After creating my quilt, I decided to write a paragraph about each historic place on the quilt. Wanting to be thorough and to share interesting stories, the paragraphs evolved into a book. I compiled 102 interviews, inserted 166 photos and wrote my first book Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains.