It all started in 2007, when I designed and made a quilt for Pat. I have always loved children and The P. Buckley Moss Foundation promotes the integration of the arts into all educational programs, with a special focus on children who learn in different ways. It has been an honor to work with Pat. The Moss/Elliott raffled and auctioned quilts have brought in approximately $3,000. to the P. Buckley Moss Foundation.

To see photos and read more about my work with P. Buckley Moss Foundation, go to Moss Collectors Newsletters, Moss Society Newsletters and Moss Newsletter Blogspot at the following address: • (Donating quilt “P. Buckley Moss Museum” April 23, 2008) • (Donating quilt “Spread Your Wings and Fly Little Fledgling” August 21, 2008) • (More about Author’s Luncheon and Collectors’ Convention on September 12 and 13, 2008) • (Camelia’s quilt class for children “Create an Art Quilt Square” at P. Buckley Moss Foundation, September 2008